Donations Page

We Deliver

The Berlin Spectator has been delivering since early 2019. Thousands of articles and features about Germany, in particular about Berlin, are part of what we have been writing and publishing since. Our rubrics, including “Made in Germany”, and our features about tourist magnets and other places in Germany are being read a lot as well. In columns and similar pieces, we even offer entertainment. Culture is yet another subject we are covering. All of this is a lot of work.

The Berlin Spectator is the premier privately-owned English-language publication about Germany and Berlin that is actually based in Berlin and accessible to everyone without paywalls. Besides, nobody covers Berlin and the Federal Republic the way we do.

Fifteen Supporters

Something is missing though. At this stage, in early June of 2022, we have fifteen regular supporters. We are very thankful to them. Without your contributions, we would have given up a while ago. Thank you so much. You are helping a lot.

But we need more supporters to make this endeavor work. The low three-digit figure we are getting per month needs to be quintupled, at least, to make this a more stable project.

Obvious Question

Hence, we have the obvious question for you: Would you consider supporting The Berlin Spectator? You have the choice between one-time donations and monthly ones, and between Paypal and Patreon.

> You can support us via Paypal.

> Or you can become our patron at Patreon.

Thank you for your support. We appreciate it a lot.
