Berlin: The Top 10 Ways to Shoot Brandenburg Gate

Brandenburg Gate is the center of Berlin. If it was not there it would have to be built, for those millions of tourists and their selfies. Please proceed to the Gate with your cameras.

Berlin, June 18th, 2020. Update: May 16th, 2022 (The Berlin Spectator) — Here comes the big question: How does one shoot Brandenburg Gate? The answer is the following: We do not know. But we published this Top 10 list anyway. Don’t try this at home. Caution is advised.

10. The Pillar Approach

This object is closer than it might appear. Photo: Imanuel Marcus

Just look for some pillars and move your Chinese cell phone camera back and forth until you have a good shot. That’s how we did it.

9. The Western Approach

Thank you, King Frederick William II. Photo: Imanuel Marcus

Tired of waiting at the red light? Get that cam out of your pocket, hold it in any direction and shoot. If you are lucky, you will have a nice picture you will be able to show your grandkids during those long winter nights. By the way: Who says the Gate has to be shot from the east?

8. The Pulitzer Approach

Once upon a time, there was a gate. Photo: Imanuel Marcus

So, you feel it is time to get the Pulitzer Prize for stunning photography? Forget it. Just walking over to Hotel Adlon and shooting their flower pot will not get you anything. Take our word for it. We tried.

7. The Artsy Approach

It did not work too well. Photo: Imanuel Marcus

We thought it was artsy to have something standing in the way. This lamp post looks good. Still we messed up the photo and can’t figure out why.

6. The Sign Approach

Here, the approach was better than the outcome. We admit it. Photo: Imanuel Marcus

This could have been a good shot because of our genius idea to shoot the Gate from the side. But we messed this one up as well. For instance, the damned horizon should have been adjusted.

5. The Bing Crosby Approach

I’m dreaming of a white shot. Photo: Imanuel Marcus

This is easy. We just waited for three years, until there was a modest layer of snow. Two seconds later, most of it was gone. We used our cell phone camera anyway. This is the modest outcome.

4. The Tree Approach

This one worked a little better than the ‘Pulitzer approach’. Photo: Imanuel Marcus

The idea was to do exactly what all those tourists don’t think of. Hide under a tree on the opposite side of the street and shoot that thing.

3. The Police Approach

If you need a good shot, call the police. Photo: Imanuel Marcus

We approached those police vans from behind, located the release button and pressed it. Just don’t get arrested while trying.

2. The Carousel Approach

This is a pretty good one. Photo: Imanuel Marcus

Wait until the 30th anniversary of Germany’s reunification (which has passed by now) and capture this rare scene.

1. The Tourism Approach

This one worked. Photo: Imanuel Marcus

Find some tourists with a giant, black dog, pretend you are tying your shoelace, point and shoot. What was the question again?
